Would you love to receive this in your inbox each month?!
Our free gift to you!
Just provide which email you'd like us to send it to below!!

WE ARE GOING TO HAVE OUR BEST YEAR YET!!! Yup, I said what I said.
We are doing this.
We are saying YES to our destiny.
We are getting those dreams.
We are coming together like never before.
We are rising.
We are aligning.
We are empowered.
We are breathing it in.
We are showing up for the assignments.
We are doing this!!!
And...I have some NEW + EXCITING things
to add to your journey and help INSPIRE you in 2022.
This is my gift to YOU!!!!!
We have designed
"The Inspiration Experience"
that will be delivered right to your inbox each month to help guide, inspire, stretch, and support you.
There are 4 parts to EXPERIENCE and INSPIRE you!!!
Each section invites you to a fun and empowering engagement.
1- Gratitude Challenge
2- Journaling for Joy
3- Confidence Curator
4- Hello Happy!
"The Crystal Corner"
which will introduce a new crystal each month,
it's properties and how it can be used to support your mood,
energy, environment, and wellness.
"Just For Fun" a Would you Rather Question?
Ok, well, you actually don't have to, because, well, you're the boss of you!
But, HOW FUN?!?!
We reallllly want you to respond and we will report back
the results of the community the following month!