Your Dreams

They're not just waiting...they are calling....

And if I can hear them, I KNOW YOU CAN TOO



These Rituals Are Game Changers

It's Time to AMPLIFY Success for Light Workers

I started more of an intense personal growth journey about six years ago when I met Patty + Jack from the Canfield Group and they took me under their wing. They, along with other high level mentors they introduced me to, taught me some pretty powerful rituals to begin the New Year strong.

So, of course, I did them. And naturally, they yielded tremendous results. BECAUSE WHEN YOU KNOW THE COMBINATION TO THE LOCK, THE LOCK ALWAYS OPENS.

Not sometimes, not often, not occasionally.... EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.


Wait, there is a little bit more, and this might be the most critical part....

I was doing these rituals with me, my journal, my crystals and my laptop for a few years, when... 2 years ago I decided to ask some of my soul sisters if they wanted to join me in the 3 week process. They did and we had A BLAST.

We joined forces, we bounced ideas off one another, we shared dreams, we supported, we stretched each other when it was appropriate, we listened and we loved.

And then what happened... well... our success opened up tenfold. It was like we went from success trickling in, or even flowing in, to the dam opening up and the success came FLOODING IN.


So I continued to conduct these rituals with a small group every year since then and it has been PURE MAGIC.

Now, I want to do it all with YOU!

Ready to let go of resistance and finally receive what's been calling you?

YES! So much YES! It's time to LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE.

What You'll Learn

I'm Going to Show You What I Learned at the Ivy Leagues and How it Will Change the Way You Approach your Goals and Business. PLUS, How to Attract Infinite Miracles into Your Daily Life


Mindset Momentum



  • How to stay aligned throughout the year
  • How to release resentment to move forward
  • Forgiving gracefully
  • Cleaning up (physical + emotional) to open space for the new
  • How to effectively Visualize



Dreams vs. Goals & Creating Effectively for BOTH!

  • How to set a successful foundation for your goals
  • Get inspired to dream for your upcoming year
  • Set your dreams and goals into inspired action with an applicable strategy + plan
  • How balance is a myth and how to achieve harmony instead which will lead to ultimate fulfillment


Shifting Into Success

  • Entrepreneur's guide to success- What I learned at the Ivy Leagues and how it will change the way you approach your goals and business
  • Success Strategies to launch or scale your business (depending on what stage your are in)
  • Let's talk money- Dreams, goals, strategy, execution.
  • Strategies for multiple streams of income (whether you have your own business or not)

Even More Goodness!

Did I mention this 6-part class (+ extra MIRACLE BONUS FOR MY EARLY TAKERS!) is LIVE. Yup, you + me... live... connecting, coaching, strategizing and making alllllll the dreams come true. You ready? Ohhh that goodness.... meee too!

And a Bonus!

BONUS- For everyone who registers... you will receive what we are calling... THE MIRACLE BONUS. IT. IS. MAGIC.

Infinite Miracles Awaiting:



  • How to attract infinite miracles into your daily life
  • How to stop blocking miracles in your life and business
  • How to switch your energy, even on the worst day
  • Ways to increase your abundance
  • How to remain in the miracle vibration


This program was initially delivered live. We are providing you all of the contntent within this program with instant access. Please note that while some content may have initially been recorded live, there is not a live component of the program at this time, which is reflected in the special pricing we are offering. You will greatly benefit from having access to the replays to the live calls that have previously taken place.

Your Best Life is Waiting

Will you come and play? SAY YES!!!


50% Complete

Two Step

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