It's here.

It’s officially here.



The Soulful Celebrity


Featuring YOU in your

One Stop Media Shop!!

As a Soulful Celebrity you are THE STAR and we are here to shine the spotlight on your brilliance for the world to hear your message, experience your work and see your light, and we do that by featuring on:


  • TV!!! Featured on your very own TV Episode, customized to your message, your brand and your business. 30 minute episode! (Yes…normal media tv spots are 3 minutes and 30 seconds, this is 30 minutes!!)

  • Magazine Cover and Featured Article with a full interview write up customized to you and your message!

  • Expert Podcast Guest on your own episode customized to you, your business and your brand!

  • YouTube TV for those who are super visualization and like to watch more than they listen, we are covering ALL the media verticals here!

  • Customized Mini-Media Movie featuring YOU, your credentials, your logo, your business, your message and your brilliance.


We not only feature you all of these places in your One Stop Media Shop, but we also teach you HOW to leverage your Soulful Celebrity Platform to increase your reach, expand your audience and create leverage and opportunities for your business…

THIS is my zone of genius and I am THRILLED to teach you all of it!


Sign me up to become The Soulful Celebrity!!! 

$4,500 Pay In Full
$800 x 6 months
$425 x 12 months

Your Time Is Now!

Imagine you have the Instant Platform for the world to hear the message YOU are here to share...
This has been in the works for a year, and it’s finally come together and it’s here, IT IS HERE.


I had to make sure each element was perfect.
I had to be sure we covered every media outlet.
I had to be sure you would walk away seamlessly with extraordinary leverage, a full customized media library featuring YOU and the exact plan of HOW to use this for your business.
And…it’s here.

I don’t want you to miss this part…that part above.

Knowing HOW to leverage these media spots is worth more than ANY media feature you could ever get. If you don’t know HOW TO LEVERAGE it, you’ve already lost the game.


If you’ve even glimpse my way in the past 10 years, you have seen that I started as a brand new mom swirling with an idea of children’s book and a pipe dream of a bigger life. 10 years later I have not only published many of my own #1 International Best-selling books, landed my own TV show, been featured in a documentary with the “Masters” in my industry and build a Media Empire…but I’ve also done the same for countless others.

I don’t say this to jump out and say- lookie, lookie…look at me!!

I say this because I CAN do this for YOU and I WANT to do this for YOU.

I say this to show you it’s real.

To show you it’s possible.

To show you the path has been paved.

To be clear- this is THE REAL DEAL.

No fluff, no smoke, no mirrors… (Remember, I’m from Jersey…you only get the real deal, I don’t know how to be any other way).

This is why I’ve been quietly creating this and pulling every single piece together. So YOU can plug right into your INSTANT platform.

I could honestly cry. This is going to change everything.

So if….

  • you’re looking to blow it up this year
  • you’re looking for how to expand
  • you want to be the one speaking on stages
  • you want to be the one featured in media
  • you know you have work that can help people, if only they knew about you
  • you know you have a message that could make an impact if only people heard it
  • you know you were meant to be a household name
  • it’s time to take your business to the next level
  • this is your year to go BIG
  • you’re ready to stop playing small
  • this ignites something in you that you can’t even explain…

Then it’s your time.

This is for people who:

  • have written a book
  • haven’t written a book
  • have a message to share in a bigger way
  • are looking for more reach so they can make a bigger impact
  • have a business that could use more exposure
  • are just starting out and want to become “THE GO TO PERSON” in their industry, instantly


Great. So are we.

This should feel like a FULL BODY YES! It IS YOUR time!

I’m so excited to work with you. This is going to change everything.


Sign me up to become The Soulful Celebrity!!! 

$4,500 Pay In Full
$800 x 6 months
$425 x 12 months

Your Time Is Now!

How It Works:  

  • You sign up to be a Soulful Celebrity right here on this page and we BEGIN!
  • We work together to perfect your pitch
  • You have access to live monthly calls where we work on pitch, leverage opportunities, media training and much, much more
  • You get booked on your TV episode, Podcast episode, Magazine Featured Article, YouTubeTV and Mini Media Movie.
  • You will have plenty of dates and times to choose from!
  • You can be featured as soon as next week!!
  • This call be done 100% virtual OR you can opt to film your TV episode in person in our TV studio (in the Philadelphia area)
  • We show you how to leverage all of your media spots as you become The Soulful Celebrity!!


This program was initially delivered live. We are providing you all of the contntent within this program with instant access. Please note that while some content may have initially been recorded live, there is not a live component of the program at this time, which is reflected in the special pricing we are offering. You will greatly benefit from having access to the replays to the live calls that have previously taken place.

What Our Clients Are Saying...

Click Here to Watch More Video Testimonials

"Kate Butler is pure genius. 

It's not just her brilliance that shines through, it's also her heart. 

Work with her as soon as you can."

- Tara Ann

Thank you for following your heart and leading by example. You hold a powerful space for many to continue to create ripple effects all over the world for the greater good of all. It’s brave and amazing! Thank you!

- Heather Beebe

Absolutely Grateful! My heart is FULL! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

-Brooke Conaway

I am so honored and thankful to have been included with this incredible group of women.  I feel so humbled.

- Christina Macro

"I am so happy and grateful to be part of your world. We are just getting started with Soulful Celebrity, and I am pumped to be working with you and your team.

This program is PRICELESS.

What you are doing is incredible for individuals such as myself who, up until now, tend to hide behind our brilliance and are a bit timid about technology. You lay it out in a format I can follow and take pride in. All I have to do is write, show up and present - I can do that!

You are so blessed, and I am so blessed to have you and your team behind me. Thank you so much."

With Gratitude, 

Ann Klossing

Click Here to Read More Testimonials


Sign me up to become The Soulful Celebrity!!! 

$4,500 Pay In Full
$800 x 6 months
$425 x 12 months


Imagine waking up on Saturday morning, cuddling up with your fam, maybe your puppy, of course a piping hot mug of coffee and....watching yourself ON TV!!!



Let's make this your reality!  

Get To Know Kate Better...

Click Here to Learn More About Kate Butler


Sign me up to become The Soulful Celebrity!!! 

$4,500 Pay In Full
$800 x 6 months
$425 x 12 months

Your audience is waiting!